Burbank Dentofacial orthopedics Orthodontist
  • Dentofacial orthopedics

    Often times the term Dentofacial Orthopedics is seen in conjunction with Orthodontics.  While most people know what orthodontics means (ortho=straight, dontics=teeth), most people are not aware of what the term Dentofacial Orthopedics means.  The term Dentofacial Orthopedics is derived from Greek roots; Dento=teeth plus facial=face and ortho= straight and pedics=child.

    Dr. Fotovat and Dr. Sands are orthodontists and have specialized to perform Dentofacial Orthopedics.  This means that they specialize in, not only straightening the teeth, but also in making sure the jaws and facial bones are in harmony with the surrounding structures.

    Children who are growing have the unique opportunity to have their jaw alignment and position be coordinated with orthopedic changes, while the braces straighten their teeth.  Once the growth is complete, only orthognathic surgery  (surgical orthodontic treatment) can correct the jaw position. This is why it is so important to have your child be evaluated early on, so that their orthodontic treatment can take advantage of their growth and development.